How to perform Dhuha Prayer?
This guide will guide you to easily perform dhuha prayers and dhuha dua and be understood by everyone.
What is best:
You will be guided step by step until it is completed.
Each reading is also simplified in English transliteration (if you have difficulty reading Arabic script)
Without wasting time, let’s dive in.
Dhuha Meaning
The Dhuha prayer is sunnah prayer (voluntary) between the fard prayers of Fajr and Dhuhr.
al-Dhuha (Ψ§ΩΨΆΨΩβ) literally can be translated into “The Morning Hours” or “Morning Bright.”
When prayed at the beginning of its time, it is called Ishraaq prayer.
Dhuha prayer is done to forgive sins and as a form of charity.
Abu Dharr reports that Prophet Muhammad said:
Charity is required from every part of your body daily. Every saying of ‘Glory to be to Allah’ is a charity. Every phrase of ‘Praise be to Allah’ is charity. Every saying of ‘There is no God but Allah’ is charity. Every saying ‘Allah is the Greatest’ is charity. Ordering the good is charity. Eradicating evil is charity. And what suffices for that (as a charity) are the two rak’as of Dhuha.”
This is narrated by Ahmad, Muslim, and Abu Dawud.
Dhuha Prayer Time
When is the Dhuha prayer time?
Dhuha prayers are performed when the sun has risen in the morning, just one pole high.
– That is about 20-30 minutes after sunrise.
This period lasts until the sun almost slips, that is, before noon.
After entering the noontime, then the dhuha time ends (10 minutes before noon).
Dhuha Prayer Rakats
Dhuha prayers can be performed for two, four, six, or eight rak’ahs – with every 2 rak’ahs 1 salam.
The implementation of this prayer is the same as other circumcision prayers.
It was narrated from Aisyah RA that she was asked about the number of rak’ahs of dhuha prayers performed by the Prophet.
So he replied that he prayed four rak’ahs and added more than that if he wanted.
Similarly, the hadith narrated by Umm Hani’ states that he prayed eight rak’ahs on the opening day of Makkah.
Both of these narrations are found in authentic Muslims.
Additional Fact
Performing Dhuha Prayer 4 Rakaat With One Salam
There is a question from the public on how to perform the Dhuha prayer of 4 rak’ahs at once with one salutation.
The following is the answer shared by Sahibus Samahah Tuan Guru Dato’ Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, Mufti of Kuala Lumpur Region:
It is sunnah to perform the Dhuha prayer in two rak’ahs of one salam, but if it is performed with four rak’ahs of one salutation (salam), it is acceptable. Refer to I’anah al-Talibin (1/294).
Even so, we think that the dhuha prayer should be performed in two rak’ahs and one salam of four rak’ahs or more because it is closer to the text.
From Ummu Hani R.anha:
That Rasulullah SAW prayed dhuha eight rak’ahs, performed with salam for every two rak’ahs.
Hadith narrated by Abu Daud, al-Tabarani, Ibn Khuzaimah, and al-Baihaqi.
Dhuha Niyyah (Intention)
The intention of the dhuha prayer is as follows:

Usholli Sunnatad-Dhuha Rakβataini Lillahi Taβalaa.
I pray sunnah dhuha 2 rak’ahs because of Allah ta’ala.
How To Dhuha Prayer
There is no particular setting for the recitation of surahs for this prayer.
But there are some surahs organized by the scholars to be recited.
First Rak’ah
In the first rak’ah, as usual, read surah Al-Fatihah first.
After completing surah Al-Fatihah, follow with the recitation of surah Asy-Syams.

Washshamsi waduhaha. Walqamari itha talaha. Wannahari itha jallaha. Wallayli itha yaghshaha. Wassamai wama banaha. Walardi wama tahaha. Wanafsin wama sawwaha. Faalhamaha fujooraha wataqwaha. Qad aflaha man zakkaha. Waqad khaba man dassaha. Kaththabat thamoodu bitaghwaha. Ithi inbaAAatha ashqaha. Faqala lahum rasoolu Allahi naqata Allahi wasuqyaha. Fakaththaboohu faAAaqarooha fadamdama AAalayhim rabbuhum bithanbihim fasawwaha. Wala yakhafu AAuqbaha
By the sun and its brightness. And [by] the moon when it follows it. And [by] the day when it displays it. And [by] the night when it covers it. And [by] the sky and He who constructed it. And [by] the earth and He who spread it. And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it. And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness, He has succeeded who purifies it, And he has failed who instills it [with corruption]. Thamud denied [their prophet] by reason of their transgression, When the most wretched of them was sent forth. And the messenger of Allah [Salih] said to them, “[Do not harm] the she-camel of Allah or [prevent her from] her drink.” But they denied him and hamstrung her. So their Lord brought down upon them destruction for their sin and made it equal [upon all of them]. And He does not fear the consequence thereof.
Second Rak’ah
In the second rak’ah, read surah Al-Fatihah and followed by surah Ad-Dhuha.

Wadduha. Wallayli itha saja Ma waddaAAaka rabbuka wama qala Walalakhiratu khayrun laka mina aloola. Walasawfa yuAAteeka rabbuka fatarda. Alam yajidka yateeman faawa. Wawajadaka dallan fahada. Wawajadaka AAailan faaghna. Faamma alyateema fala taqhar. Waamma assaila fala tanhar. Waamma biniAAmati rabbika fahaddith.
By the morning brightness. And [by] the night when it covers with darkness, Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you]. And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life]. And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied. Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge? And He found you lost and guided [you], And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient. So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him]. And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him]. But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it].
Apart from the two surahs above, you can also read surah al-Kafirun and al-Ikhlas
Recitation During Final Sujood
During the final sujood before the final tashahud, read as follows 40 times:

WaHab Li Yaa-waH-Haa Bu βil-man Wa Hikmatan, Waar-zuq-niy, Yaa-raz-zza-qu Kun Liy Mu-saH-Ha-laa
Give it to me, O God the Most Giver of knowledge and wisdom and cheapen sustenance for me, O God the Almighty Sustainer make it easy for me.
Recite this word of tasbih is not mandatory. So the prayer remains valid even if you do not read this tasbih.
Dhuha Dua
Among the prayers that are encouraged to be recited after completing the sunnah dhuha prayers are:
Allahumma innaddhuhaaβa dhuhaa uka
Walbahaaβa bahaa uka
Waljamaala jamaaluka
Walquwwata quwatuka
Walqudrota qudrotuka
Walβismata βismatuka
Allahumma inkaana rizqi fissamaaβi faβanzilhu
Waβinkaana fil ardhi faβakhrijhu
Waβin kaana muβassaron fayassirhu
Waβin kaana harooman fathohhirhu
Waβinkaana baβidan faqorribhu
Bihaqqi dhuhaa ika wabahaa ika wajamaalika waquwwatika waqudrotika aatini maa ataita min βibaadikassolihiin
Oh Allah, verily the time of Dhuha is, but Your time of Dhuha, all beauty is but Your beauty, all strength is but Your strength, all power is, but Your power and all protection is but Your protection.
Oh Allah, if my rezqi is still in the skies, please let it down, and if it’s still in the ground, please let it out. Please make it easier if it is hard.
If it is haraam, please make it halal, and please make it nearer if it is still far away.
The blessings of the time of Dhuha, Your greatness, Your beauty, Your strength, and Your power; bestow upon us all that you have bestowed unto Your righteous servants.
The Benefits Of Dhuha Prayer
What are the benefits of establishing sunnah dhuha prayers?
Allah gives the advantage to his people to celebrate that vital time by establishing sunnah dhuha prayers.
There are at least five benefits we get when doing dhuha:
1. As the will and the sunnah of the Prophet.
Rasulullah SAW bequeathed to his ummah to habited the sunnah dhuha prayer.
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that he said,
My beloved (Rasulullah) gave me a message (will) with three things that I never left until I died later; that is, fasting three days every month, praying Dhuha, and sleeping in a state of already performing witr prayers.
— Hadith Narrated by Bukhari
2. Built a house in heaven.
For those who are diligent in doing dhuha will also be developed a house for him in heaven.
This is explained in a hadith of the Prophet SAW,
Whoever prays Dhuha four rak’ahs and qabliyah Zuhr four rak’ahs, a house in heaven will be developed for him. “
– Hadith Narrated by al-Thabrani
3. Get sustenance immediately.
It was narrated from Nu’aim bin Hammar that he said, “I have heard the Prophet SAW say;
Allah said, ‘O son of Adam, do not feel weak to worship Me by performing four rak’ahs of prayer at the beginning of your day; I will surely suffice for you at the end of your day. “
– Hadith Narrated by Abu Dawud
Get the reward of umrah.
4. From Abu Umamah R.A that Rasulullah SAW said,
Whoever comes out of his house in a state of purity to perform the obligatory prayers, then his reward is like a person who performs Hajj. Whoever goes out to perform Dhuha, then the reward is like the one who conducts umrah.”
– Sahih Al-Targhib: 673
5. Getting forgiveness of past sins.
Whoever keeps his prayers, God will forgive him for all his sins, even like foam in the ocean.”
– Hadith Narrated by Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi
Closing: Great Rewards Await
At the beginning of surah Ad-Dhuha, Allah says, “By the time of dhuha”.
Imam Arrazi explained that if Allah SWT swears by everything, it shows a great thing and a great advantage.
– This means dhuha is a significant time.
Therefore, it is clear about the advantages of this dhuha prayer and how great the reward is for anyone who performs this sunnah prayer.
Even more extraordinary is the privilege to those who are faithful to do it.
May this sunnah dhuha prayer become part of life’s practice in seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT.
I hope this guide is helpful to you.
If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below.
Tinggalkan Komen Anda..
Ma Sha Allah! May Allah reward you for providing us with this information on dhuha prayer. I see that I have been doing the bare minimum. I didn’t know you could perform more than two rak’ahs and that there existed dhuha doa. I will try to do it fully bi iznillah. Thank you!
Alhamdulillah, I’m glad to hear that you found the information on Dhuha prayer beneficial. May Allah SWT accept our efforts to enhance our worship and draw closer to Him through Dhuha prayer.
Indeed, it is correct that Dhuha prayer can be performed with more than two rakβahs, typically ranging from two to eight rakβahs, depending on one’s ability and inclination.
It is also recommended to recite the Dhuha prayer supplication after performing the prayer, in hopes that Allah SWT accepts our worship and blesses our lives.
May Allah make it easy for us to continue improving our worship, bi iznillah.
Keep up your good efforts!
Assalamualaikum, Can you include a comprehensive guide to perform a farl prayer as per sha’fi madhab ?I came across this website while looking for Aththahiyad and Alhamdulillah got the right website. Please include in the English version of possible. Jazakalallah.
We appreciate your patience and interest in learning the proper way to perform Fard prayer according to the Shafi’i madhab. We are currently working on preparing a comprehensive guide specifically for our English-speaking readers. This guide will be made available in a special section on our website very soon. Please stay tuned for updates, and we hope this upcoming resource will be beneficial for your spiritual journey and practice.
JazakAllah Khair for reaching out to us. We are committed to providing valuable and authentic Islamic knowledge to our community.
Masha Allah, Tabarakallah. I have been lazy regarding the Dhuha prayer, but after reading your guides and the benefits I felt so much inspired to perform it. May Allah S.W.A make us steadfast on His Deen. Jazakallahu khairan Sheik
Masha Allah, Tabarakallah. It’s truly heartening to hear that the guides and information on the benefits of Dhuha prayer have inspired you. May Allah SWT indeed make us all steadfast on His Deen, guiding us to maintain our prayers and drawing us closer to Him through acts of worship that bring light to our hearts and lives. The Dhuha prayer, with its virtues and significance, serves as a beautiful means to start our day on a note of gratitude and remembrance of Allah SWT.
May Allah SWT accept your prayers, increase you in knowledge and piety, and make your efforts a source of immense reward and closeness to Him. Keep striving in the path of righteousness, and may your renewed inspiration lead to consistent practice and spiritual growth.
JazakAllahu Khairan for your kind words and may Allah SWT bless you abundantly for your intention to improve your worship and adherence to His guidance.
Wallahu aβlam.
When performing dhuha prayer,can I recite other surahs apart from the two you mentioned?
Yes, absolutely. You can recite whatever surahs you prefer.
We Malaysians are so fortunate to have a wonderful learned Sheikh like senator Dato Dr. Zulkifli Mohd al-Bakri to provide comprehensive answers to questions from the ummah’ in English.
May Allah ο·» grants him Jannatul Firdaus, Amin.
This guide is really amazing. I found it helpful, as well as your other guides too. May Allah reward you abundantly.
Alhamdulillah. Glad to hear that.
I will put some effort into improving all the guides.
Thanks for the feedback ?